The WRRC 2023 Annual Report highlights how, through applied research, outreach, and engagement, the WRRC continues to contribute to water resource planning, assessment, and capacity building, as well as expand awareness and understanding of water resource issues. As Arizona and the region face unprecedented water challenges, the WRRC serves as a trusted source for reliable information. Our two-page 2023 Highlights provides summary information on our engagement and links to online WRRC resources.
A two-page brochure and infographic spotlights some of the WRRC’s significant 2023 achievements.
Appendix A: Strategic Planning Metrics
Appendix A contains the WRRC 2021 Strategic Plan metrics, which detail progress towards meeting the four Strategic Goals established in the WRRC 2021 Strategic Plan. It includes the Annual Partnership Metrics table, which displays the many partnerships established by the WRRC in sectors throughout the University, the state, the region, the nation, and the world. READ APPENDIX A
Appendix B: Supplemental Information
Appendix B contains specific details on WRRC efforts, accomplishments, and recognition in 2023. READ APPENDIX B